There is such a myth that a hot tour is a failed tour, when someone bought it and suddenly accidentally refused it for some reason. On the one hand, this is one type of hot tour, but this is a bit of a wrong interpretation of it.
A hot tour is when a tour operator lowers the cost of a tour because it could not be implemented due to certain reasons. For example, his flight is scheduled for December 20, and on the 15th there are still 50 seats left for the flight, they are not filled, but the operator has already paid for them. Bought hotel, paid ticket. Accordingly, in order not to lose this money, it is more profitable for him to sell, for example, these chairs at cost price. And as a result, it turns out that 5 days before departure, the price dropped a lot. Bingo! You can buy a cool tour!
Previously, you could fly to Thailand for $200. It is also possible now, but there are very few such opportunities left, especially in the regions.
In the regions, it is a different story, because there are not so many chartered transports. Because tour operators have become much smarter and now charter transportation is not offered in the same volume as before. That is, they predict what the demand will be (and it has fallen sharply now). And accordingly, they set up as many boards as they can fill. And they fill them, especially on such high dates as the New Year, holidays, and children’s vacations. In general, due to high demand, there are almost no hot tours on these dates.
Also, one of the principles of a hot tour is charter transportation. If this is a regular flight, then it is difficult to call it a hot tour. If you want to buy a hot tour with an almost guaranteed date, when the tickets will definitely be at delicious prices, you can plan your vacation for these dates. In winter, it is from mid-November to mid-December. These are the dates when there are always some good prices. If we take spring, then it is May and the beginning of June, then there are also very good options. And in the off-season, in winter, you can catch some Europe, something that is not in active demand.
If you are buying a hot tour, then be prepared for the fact that you need to make a decision very quickly. There are no “I’ll think” options. You need to pay 100% immediately, because the delicious offers sell out quickly.
If you want to fly to Europe on a hot ticket, you can do that too. Now we have a visa-free regime and it has become much easier. You can buy a super-class tour in a couple of days, for example, Sicily for a few pennies or another destination (Spain often “burns up”).